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Identification of Cause and Source of Effluent Toxicity, with Solutions for Reduction/Elimination

Which chemical compound is making your effluent toxic? APLYSIA provides the right service to find out.

Was the effluent found to be toxic? APLYSIA develops studies to detect the chemical compound causing toxicity, such as iron, copper, zinc, ammonia, and naphthalene. After an analysis, which lasts on average from 3 to 6 months, APLYSIA also delivers solutions to eliminate this toxicity.

Other Services
Assessment of the Environmental Risk of Goods Exported by Sea
A APLYSIA identifica o potencial tóxico de cargas que possam vir a ser lançadas no mar.
Development of a Biodiversity Action Plan
A APLYSIA e a sua empresa trabalhando juntas a favor da biodiversidade.
