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Environmental Licensing

Know-how on procedures for your company to obtain the Environmental Licensing.

Would you like to obtain an Environmental License to install or operate your activities? APLYSIA has the right professionals to provide you with guidance. All the work in support to the licensing is performed by means of environmental impact studies, in which the complexity depends on the type of activity and environmental sensitivity of the project implementation area. The following are among these studies: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Environmental Impact Report (RIMA), Environmental Control Report (RCA), Environmental Control Plan (PCA), and Degraded Area Recovery Plan (PRAD).

Other Services
Requirement Management and Advisory Services along with theControl Bodies
A APLYSIA oferece todo apoio que sua empresa precisa para atuar junto aos Órgãos de Controle Ambiental.
Development of Terms of Reference and Environmental Analysis Plans
Sua empresa precisa e pode ganhar tempo na hora de fazer um estudo ambiental.
