APLYSIA and CETREL gathered in the prestigious Tangará Palace, an urban oasis in the heart of São Paulo, to announce a business partnership during lunch. The two giants, a Capixaba and another from Bahia, now have joint and complete solutions for [...]
On Wednesday, December the 14th , APLYSIA was awarded the 1st place in the Innovation Category- Solutions for Water Management of the Ecology Prize 2016, with the project ReNaturalize. The winning project ReNaturalize is an innovation initiative from [...]
On Thursday the 25th February 2016 a field visit took place in the River Mangara�- Santa Leopoldina to present more about the ReNaturalize project. The project that started in November 2014 is an innovative initiative APLYSIA in river restoration. In this [...]
The "Peixe-Guia" Project (FISH GUIDE), developed by APLYSIA Institute aims to standardize and rationalize directives relating to the environmental monitoring of water bodies, identifying which are the relevant environmental factors to be considered in the [...]
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