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Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemical Inputs used in the Productive Process of Effluent Treatment Plants

A service that prevents environmental accidents and their consequences.

Your company certainly uses chemicals during production. Therefore, it is essential to perform an environmental risk assessment of these inputs in order to anticipate accidents and prevent social, economic and environmental consequences to your company. APLYSIA has the expertise of professionals qualified to provide this service, in addition to its own ecotoxicology laboratory, with tests accredited by INMETRO.

The use of toxic chemicals in the productive process may contribute to produce toxic effluents, resulting in an increased demand for effluent treatment resources, as well as negative impacts on the water resources receiving these effluents.

Other Services
Ecotoxicological Assessment of Waste, Environmental Samples, and Chemicals
Uma análise precisa em busca de potenciais danos aos ambientes da sua empresa
Ecotoxicological Tests
Conheça os ensaios ecotoxicológicos realizados pela APLYSIA.
