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Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) Monitoring

Assessment and interpretation of the reasons for performance decrease of WWTP.

Understanding the operation of a WWTP is a prerequisite for treated effluents to meet the quality standards required by legal environmental control regulations.

The studies developed by APLYSIA include microscopic assessments of the biological sludge derived from the WWTP, which defines the microorganisms that treat effluents, describing species of bacteria and monitoring the population density of the protozoa and metazoa that inhabit the station. Through an ongoing monitoring of these organisms by means of a microbiological follow-up, it is possible to determine if the organism health is appropriate for the effluent to be treated, making it possible to assess the reasons for a performance decrease of these treatment plants.

Other Services
Start-Up of WWTP
É preciso competência técnica para a ETE da sua empresa funcionar perfeitamente.
Diagnosis of WWPT
Estudo microbiológico para solucionar desempenho ineficaz das estações.
