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Start-Up of WWTP

Technical qualification is required to adequately operate the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) of your company.

Every Effluent Treatment Plant is a strategic aspect in an industrial plant. APLYSIA holds expertise to be in charge of the deployment of a new station, monitoring the development of microorganisms responsible for biological treatment of effluents, so that the system operates correctly and safely. The microbiological monitoring of the start-up, by APLYSIA, speeds up stability of the new plant and acts preventively, reducing maintenance time and ensuring low operating costs.

Other Services
Diagnosis of WWPT
Estudo microbiológico para solucionar desempenho ineficaz das estações.
Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) Monitoring
Avaliação e interpretação das causas da queda de performance das estações de tratamento de efluentes.
