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Integration of Environmental Data and Development of Environmental Indicators

Your company will no longer waste time with inconclusive environmental analysis reports

Has it been some time that your company develops environmental analysis reports and is unable to understand them? Now is the time to convert such data into information, in a clear and objective language. Then, APLYSIA relies on the best professionals to organize all the data, integrating them using environmental indicators that summarize environmental quality aspects.

These indicators, both national and international, make possible to detect if a chemical contaminant is likely to cause an effect or if such environmental effect is already in place. This is a very didactic way of converting as many as 2000 pieces of data into one sole table of results, easy to be understood by administrators and environmental bodies, speeding up and facilitating communication and understanding between interested parties.

Other Services
Mapping and Inventory of Chemical and Toxic Loads
Vários efluentes tóxicos e uma causa: mapeamento da carga tóxica de efluentes.
Development of a Biodiversity Action Plan
A APLYSIA e a sua empresa trabalhando juntas a favor da biodiversidade.
