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Mapping and Inventory of Chemical and Toxic Loads

Several toxic effluents and one cause: Mapping of the toxic load of effluents.

Effluents may contain toxic loads. The toxicity level likely to affect the environment should be known, and its source in the production process shall be mapped as well as its presence and intensity in sectoral effluents, according to their discharge. APLYSIA is qualified to perform this investigation, trace its origin, and determine the toxicity intensity. Thus, your company will be aware of the cause and source of toxicity, if any, pointing to priority resolution areas.

Other Services
Development of a Biodiversity Action Plan
A APLYSIA e a sua empresa trabalhando juntas a favor da biodiversidade.
Assessment of the Environmental Risk of Goods Exported by Sea
A APLYSIA identifica o potencial tóxico de cargas que possam vir a ser lançadas no mar.
