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Development of a Biodiversity Action Plan

APLYSIA works together with your company in favor of biodiversity.

Impacts on Biodiversity shall be preventively detected, such as use of water, energy, the pressure on rivers and forests caused by your company?s activities.Identification of the consequential risks, as well as the opportunities for reuse or rationalization, are essential to the business and shall be included in the Corporate Management Plan (for Biodiversity), which is specially required from major projects. APLYSIA uses methods to diagnose environmental aspects to be managed from this biodiversity viewpoint.

Other Services
Mapping and Inventory of Chemical and Toxic Loads
Vários efluentes tóxicos e uma causa: mapeamento da carga tóxica de efluentes.
Assessment of the Environmental Risk of Liabilities and Remediation Alternatives
A APLYSIA pode identificar qual a melhor opção para a gestão de seu passivo.
