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Audits on Monitoring

APLYSIA has the right team to provide assistance!

Would you like to have technical monitoring and routine monitoring? Would you like it to be undertaken by specialists in the area? APLYSIA has the right team to provide assistance!

Trough audits on monitoring studies, APLYSIA helps companies by developing a detailed and systematic analysis of the activities performed, in order to ensure if they are in compliance with the activities planned and/or previously established, if they have been implemented effectively and adequately (in conformity) with the required procedures.

Other Services
Assessment of the Environmental Risk of Liabilities and Remediation Alternatives
A APLYSIA pode identificar qual a melhor opção para a gestão de seu passivo.
Mapping and Inventory of Chemical and Toxic Loads
Vários efluentes tóxicos e uma causa: mapeamento da carga tóxica de efluentes.
