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Active and Passive Monitoring of Bioaccumulative Compounds

Evaluate the quality of the body receiving an effluent from your company by using bioindicators, and replace the large number of chemical analyses of the water.

The monitoring of water bodies through biological analyses is important, as they provide the answer to the stress and effects caused by pollutants, contributing to establish cause-effect relations.

In order to assess the concentration of contaminants in the environment, monitoring of bioaccumulative compounds is applied to determine concentrations likely to be found in the aquatic environment within the influence area of the industrial facility.

This study uses bioindicators, which serve to directly quantify bioavailable pollutants without the need for studies on all the species found in the environemnt and with the possibility of replacing a large number of analyses of the water. 

Other Services
Environmental Monitoring (Land and Water)
Monitoramento Ambiental de forma integrada e entrega da solução para sua empresa.
Fauna and Flora Rescue
O resgate de fauna e flora que as indústrias precisam antes de começar as suas atividades.
