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Compliance with CONAMA Resolutions 357/2005, 420/2009, 430/2011, 454/2012, and others

APLYSIA is able to provide advisory services related to environmental control issues of your company.

Environmental control requires monitoring - before, during or after operation, with the use of technical, scientific and legal indicators such as the limits established in the CONAMA resolutions. The following are among the main resolutions for environmental control:

CONAMA Resolution 420 - Soils

CONAMA Resolution 357 - Quality of the water disposed in water bodies

CONAMA Resolution 430 - Limiting standards for effluent disposal

CONAMA Resolution 454 - Related to dredging activities

Other Services
Active and Passive Monitoring of Bioaccumulative Compounds
Avalie a qualidade do corpo receptor do efluente de sua empresa com o uso de bioindicadores e substitua inúmeras análises químicas feitas na água.
Fauna and Flora Rescue
O resgate de fauna e flora que as indústrias precisam antes de começar as suas atividades.
